Old oak entertainment center makeover

I wanted post a quick update on a project I mentioned briefly last summer–a makeover of an old 80s oak entertainment center.  Remember those giant things we used to house our giant TVs and physical movies like VHS tapes?  Yeah, one of those!  I don’t have an actual before pic, but I found this one that is pretty darn close:

entertainment center before

My plan for this Craigslist score was was to paint it up and use it for storage in the basement.  Both the entertainment center and faux-wood paneled wall needed a few coats of primer and white paint for my vision for the basement to begin to become a reality:


I didn’t take a ton of pics of the process, but it happened over almost a year (punctuated with a little baby break!).  You can see in the pic below the space starting to take shape and lighten up quite a bit.

entertainment center makeover in progress

Now, finally, this lady is looking pretty classy for our basement rec room I’d say!

entertainment center after

The plants and pictures are placeholders until I decide what I want to do up there. I’ve been working on a gallery wall on the opposite side of the room so I’d like to tie the two sides together eventually (more on that other wall soon!).

As you can see on the left the frosted glass allows you to see in a bit.  It is more pronounced in the photo than in real life but I’m not sure that it really bothers me at this point.  It might just need some re-organization or baskets in order to look more organized–let me know if you have any suggestions!

So there you have it–one of the more striking makeovers I’d say!




entertainment center after 2




I welcome your feedback, ideas, and comments!